I double dog dare you, yep I sure did! Next time you go grocery shopping, I want you to find one aisle in the store that does not contain a product void of today’s mystery ingredient. Now disregard this challenge, if you’re shopping in a health food store, because you’re not going to find any there but in most stores in America it’s as common as apple pie.
Now before I share what it is, I’d thought I’d share one little nugget with you. I consider myself to be world traveler, although Japan is the only foreign destination on my passport, but if you’ve traveled to any of these places; India, Ireland, and Austria this mystery ingredient is banned. Why? Because the side effects far outweigh the cheap price by which this ingredient can be acquired.
Now come take a tour in my personal pantry and although I’ve got some sweets for my kiddos what you will NEVER find is High Fructose Corn Syrup. This toxic ingredient is considered a 4 letter word in my ears, and not allowed in my house. In the summer, when my kids would pick out frozen popsicles, or slushies I would end up putting them back on the shelf and making something at home because they all contained artificial dyes and High Fructose Corn Syrup.
This is another reason behind my passion for creating Tastefull Vegan Frozen Desserts. I believe that when you know better, you do better and I believe that when you eat better, you live longer. In the documentary What the Health, NYU professor Dr. Michelle McMacken states that “The changes that we make with our diet are probably the single most powerful thing we can do to determine our destiny, it trumps our genetics.”
Tastefull Vegan Frozen Desserts are fresh, not processed and I choose natural ingredients over artificial junk. You’ll find non-gmo ingredients that are sweetened by nature, kinda the opposite of Naughty by Nature! Ok, I know corny moment but I just believe that sweets don’t have to be loaded with ingredients that have proven to be unhealthy for you.
Hippocrates once said “Let Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Now I don’t think food should taste like medicine, but I do think eating it should be enjoyable and bring wonderful results from the inside out.
Fun Fact: One of Tastefull’s most popular products, The Better Butter Bars, contains flaxseed meal which is a great source of Omega 3.
Upcoming Events
This Saturday February 20 from 11-4am Tastefull will be at United We Sell
Where to Find Tastefull Products
You can now find Tastefull at the Harvest Health at the Eastern Location
1944 Eastern Ave SE, Grrand Rapids, MI 49507
Other Documentaries on High Fructose Corn Syrup